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  • Announcement

As a construction consulting firm, we demonstrate comprehensive technical expertise in areas of architectural design, structural design, facility design and construction supervision, urban and regional development planning, surveying, civil engineering and construction supervision, and soil investigation. We are committed to contributing to the realization of a sustainable future.

・We actively propose using renewable energy, such as solar power generation and geothermal energy.
・Based on the policy set forth by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry to "achieve ZEB (Net Zero Energy Buildings) on average for new buildings by 2030," we actively propose and explore the introduction of high-efficiency equipment and on-site power generation through the installation of solar panels. We are committed to balancing energy efficiency with comfort. Moving forward, we will leverage our strength in handling everything in-house, from the planning stage to detailed design, to propose and develop systems tailored specifically to the region of Okinawa, contributing to sustainable community development.
・Enhancing tourism infrastructure and addressing secondary transportation is crucial as Okinawa aims for sustainable development as a tourism-centered prefecture. Our company is involved in projects commissioned by the national and prefectural governments, working on forming international exchange hubs utilizing regional resources, creating a stable and efficient logistics environment, and developing a resilient prefecture that supports safety and security against disasters.
・Through our surveying, planning, and design services, we actively propose incorporating building materials made from scrap and other discarded materials, considering the product life cycle perspective.
・While engaging in seismic diagnosis, we actively make technical proposals related to extending the lifespan of existing buildings.
・In restoring boreholes during drilling, we use the drilling cuttings discharged during excavation and primarily employ recycled materials (such as crushed concrete). By utilizing recycled materials, we aim to reduce the use of natural resources (quarried rock) and minimize waste.
・In the design of government buildings and energy company office buildings, which are vital for continued operations during natural disasters, we introduce Business Continuity Planning (BCP) as needed. For structural planning, we adopt seismic isolation structures. In architectural planning, we create space configurations that can function as disaster response hubs and secure storage warehouses. In facility planning, we consider the installation of emergency generators and micro-cogeneration gas engine generators. We strive to enhance resilience and adaptive capacity against climate-related and natural disasters by providing the most suitable proposals according to the project needs.
・In addition to collaboration within Kuniken's group companies, as a company that deals with the broad theme of "community development," we work with various subcontractors, joint ventures, and other industries and personnel. As such, we are advancing the strengthening of these partnerships to contribute to the sustainable development of Okinawa.
・We are promoting the development of public-private partnerships and PFI (Private Finance Initiatives) to contribute to Okinawa's autonomous development and advance sustainable development that is uniquely Okinawan.