Emerald Parking

2012 Roads, Bridges & Traffic

The planned site for the Emerald Parking is located in a lush green environment, the Forest of Wedding Commemoration to the west (seaside), a grove of Ryukyu pine to the east, and a forest surrounding a place of worship to the north. The challenge was to minimize the amount of land development associated with the construction, preserve the existing green areas, and harmonize with the surrounding environment. Particularly for the place of worship, the plan was to preserve the existing trees around it.

The plan for the west and south sides of the building includes installing wire ropes and wall greening with climbing plants. This approach aimed to prevent artificial structures from being exposed at the forefront, ensure harmony with the existing green spaces and surrounding environment, and create a symbolic façade as the gateway to Emerald Beach.

The tree species selected for the wire rope planting are native species that are highly salt-tolerant and grow quickly. These are mixed planted at ground level to create an environment where they can thrive independently, ensuring ease of maintenance.